Bulky Household Waste Services for Coffs Harbour LGA Residents
Note: these Bulky Household Waste services are for eligible domestic properties (i.e. those paying a Domestic Waste Occupied Land Charge) only.
Businesses are not eligible for these services.
User-Pays Bulky Household Waste Collection
Eligible households may book a user-pays household collection of Bulky Household Waste twice per annum. A fee of $65.00 is payable for this service at time of booking. We will the collect up to three (3) cubic metres of compliant bulky household waste from the front of your property.
See below for information about when this service is available and what items are compliant.
To book a service, or to find out more information, CONTACT US
FREE Bulky Household Waste Tipping Vouchers
Eligible households may also request up to two (2) free Bulky Household Waste tipping vouchers per year, between March and February. Vouchers are mailed to eligible properties, so please ensure you order your vouchers at least two weeks in advance so they have time to arrive. Vouchers will only be posted to the corresponding street address, they may not be mailed to PO boxes or to an alternative address (i.e. they will not be posted to owner’s address of rental property).
Each voucher can only be redeemed at the Englands Road Waste Facility to self-haul up to 200 kilograms of compliant Bulky Household Waste. Accepted vehicles when using these vouchers include: sedans, station wagons, utility and standard box trailers without side extensions. No light trucks.
See below for information about what items are accepted when using your voucher.
To request your voucher/s, or to find out more information, CONTACT US
Acceptable Bulky Household Waste Items
- Bulky household items – e.g. hot water system, bikes, ironing boards, large toys etc.
- White goods – fridges, freezers, washing machines, stoves, dryers etc.
- Small electrical appliances – televisions, toasters etc.
- Mattresses
- Furniture – bed bases, sofas, tables, chairs etc.
- Carpet/Linoleum – maximum 1.5m in length, 50kg weight
- Metal guttering, aluminium frames – maximum 1.5m in length, 50kg weight
Unacceptable Bulky Household Waste Items
- Soil, sand, rocks
- Hazardous materials – gas bottles, chemicals, paints, oils, asbestos, fibro etc.
- Building materials – concrete, bricks, roofing materials, fencing wire etc.
- Gas cylinders, flares, oil heaters (drop off FREE at the Community Recycling Centre)
- General household garbage
- Green waste
- Glass, mirrors
- Car batteries, car parts, tyres
When are the User-Pays Kerbside Collections Available?
Coffs Coast Waste Services is a shared waste contract between Coffs Harbour, Bellingen Shire and Nambucca Valley Councils. There are two periods when the contractor is servicing the other two Council areas and is unavailable for collections within Coffs Harbour.
The service is also unavailable in Coffs Harbour on public holidays and over the Christmas/New Year period, however residents can still call the CCWS Hotline and book in a collection during this time. We will then book your collection for the next available date which suits you.
Note: Bulky Household Waste Tipping Vouchers can be used all-year round.